Addis Alem Museum ( its full name being Rese Adbarat W/A Alem Dagmit Tsion Mariam Palace & Museum) is located in the town of Addis Alem, Western Shoa , about is kms of Addis Ababa. The museum is not purpose built but used to be the palace of Emperor Menelik II and the idea to convert the palace to museum was initiated during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie I around 1957 ( Eth Cal) . The idea behind was ‘to preserve and promote past historical relics both of religious and political leaders ; inculcate the sense of patriotism in the younger generation and encourage government to support similar efforts’.

This specialised church run museum has in its collection various religious robes, emblems etc of previous kings and officials, brana ( parchment written) manuscripts, crosses, pictures, books, letters, coins , firearms and various household and personal items of historical value donated by prominent personalities.

Various groups like the Jerusalem Memorial Foundation and individuals have als donated items to the museum. Most of the collections belong to the era of Emperor Menelik, II , the battle of Adowa and are of both religious and secular themes.

In general, the museum has over 1000 different items collected and acquired during different times as donations from kings, patriots, local officials and the members of the church congregation. Many items were also brought and added to the general collection from various churches and monasteries.

The museum is open upon request by visitors and reasonable entrance fee are charged.

Guides brief visitors about collection, information given to tour operators and publicity done during religious festivities and through word of mouth.